Core Methods of String Objects

Some of the core methods are discussed in this lesson. You can find a list of all the String methods in Rust documentation of Strings.

Capacity in Bytes

The capacity gives the number of bytes allocated to the String, unlike len which gives the number of bytes taken by the String object. To get the capacity of a variable in bytes, use the built-in function capacity().

  • Syntax

The general syntax is:


Here str is the string whose capacity is to be found.

Note: The length of String will always be less than or equal to the capacity.

  fn main() {
  // define a growable string variable
  let course = String::from("Rust");
  println!("This is a beginner course in {}.", course);
  //capacity in bytes
  println!("Capacity: {}.", course.capacity());


  This is a beginner course in Rust.
Capacity: 4.

Finding a Substring

To find if one string contains another string, use the contains() built-in function.

  • Syntax The general syntax is :

Here str is the original string and “sub_str” is a substring which is to be found in a string.

  fn main() {
  // define a growable string variable
  let str = String::from("Rust Programming"); 
  let sub_str = String::from("Rust"); 
  println!("This is a beginner course in {}.", str);
  // find if string contains a substring
  println!("{} is a substring of {}: {}.", sub_str, str, str.contains("Rust"));


  This is a beginner course in Rust Programming.
Rust is a substring of Rust Programming: true.

Replace a Substring

To replace all occurrences of one substring within a String object with another String, use the replace() built-in function.

  • Syntax

The general syntax is :

  str.replace(replace_from, replace_to)

Here str is the original string, replace_from is the value which is to be replaced in the string str and replace_to is the value the string is converted to.

  fn main() {
  // define a growable string variable
  let str = String::from("Rust Programming"); 
  let replace_from = "Programming";
  let replace_to = "Language"; 
  // find if string contains a substring
  let result = str.replace(replace_from, replace_to);
  println!("{} now becomes {}.", str, result);


Rust Programming now becomes Rust Language.

Trim a String

To trim a string use the function trim(). It is used to remove leading and trailing whitespaces in a string.

  • Syntax The general syntax is :

Note: The trim function does not remove the space between the string.

  fn main() {
   let string = "   Rust     Programming     ".to_string();
   let trim_string = string.trim(); 
   // get characters at 5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 indexes
   println!("Trimmed_string : {}", trim_string);


  Trimmed_string : Rust     Programming


Test your understanding of core methods of Strings in Rust!

--- primaryColor: steelblue secondaryColor: '#e8e8e8' textColor: black shuffleQuestions: false shuffleAnswers: true locale: en --- # Common method of string object and string literal are: - [ ] `len()` - [ ] `trim()` - [ ] `split()` - [ ] `split_whitespace()` # Trim method is used to remove inline spaces.
- [ ] True - [ ] False

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history