Enums and Match Control Flow Operator

The match statement can be used to compare values within an enum. The match statement can be written within a main function or any other user-defined function.


The match statement can be written within a function be it main or any other user-defined function.


The example below makes use of a match statement within a print_direction function.

  enum KnightMove{



// print function 

fn print_direction(direction:KnightMove) {

   // match statement

   match direction {

      //execute if knight move is horizontal

      KnightMove::Horizontal => {

         println!("Move in horizontal direction");


       //execute if knight move is vertical

      KnightMove::Vertical => {

         println!("Move in vertical direction");




fn main() {

   // invoke function `print_direction`

   let knight1 = KnightMove::Horizontal;

   let knight2 = KnightMove::Vertical;





  Move in horizontal direction
Move in vertical direction

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history