Functions With Parameters

In the previous example, a function was defined with nothing inside the round brackets. But certain functions require some information on which they should operate. For instance, a function that is expected to compute the square of a number needs to be provided with the number itself. That’s what a parameter is.

What Are the Parameters?

Variable or values that go in the function definition are parameters.

What Are Arguments?

Variables or values that go in their place in the function invocation are known as arguments.

Invoking a function with arguments


To understand the above concept, let’s look at the example below:

  //function definition
fn my_func(param_1:i32, param_2:i32) {
  println!("The first value passed inside function : {}", param_1);
  println!("The second value passed inside function : {}", param_2);
fn main() {
  let value_1 = 1;
  let value_2 = 2;
  //calling the function
  my_func( value_1, value_2 );
  println!("Function ended");


  The first value passed inside function : 1
The second value passed inside function : 2
Function ended


The above program comprises two functions, the user defined function my_func() and the driver function main() where the function is being called.

  • User defined function

The function my_func() is defined from line 2 to line 5.

  • Two parameters param_1 and param_2 are passed to the function.

  • The values of passed parameters are printed on line 3 and line 4.

  • Driver function

  • The driver function main() is defined from line 6 to line 12.

    • On line 7 and line 8, two variables value_1 and value_2 are defined.
    • On line 10, the function is invoked while passing the value of the variable value_1 as the first argument and that of value_2 as the second.

Types of Arguments

  • Arguments can be passed to a function in two different ways:
    • Pass by value
    • Pass by reference


Test your understanding of parameterized functions in Rust!

--- primaryColor: steelblue secondaryColor: '#e8e8e8' textColor: black shuffleQuestions: false shuffleAnswers: true locale: en --- # What is the output of the following code? ``` fn my_func(param1:i32, param2:i32) { println!("The first value passed inside function : {}", param1); } fn main() { let value1 = 1; let value2 = 2; my_func(value1, value2); } ``` - [ ] The first value passed inside function : 1 The second value passed inside function : 2 - [ ] The first value passed inside function : 1

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history