If Let Expression

What Is an if let Expression?

if let is a conditional expression that allows pattern matching. The block of code in the construct executes if the pattern in the condition matches with that of scrutinee expression.

  • Syntax The if let expression begins with an if followed by a let and then a pattern having values enclosed within round brackets. Then an equal to (=) followed by a scrutinee expression. Then there is a block of code enclosed within braces{}.Then there is also an optional else block after this.

Note: When it says matching of pattern, it means that the defined pattern has the same number of values as that of the scrutinee expression.


The following examples show how the different cases of if let expression can work:

  fn main() {
    // define a scrutinee expression    
    let course = ("Rustlabs", "beginner","course");
    // pattern matches with the scrutinee expression
    if let ("Rustlabs", "beginner","course") = course {
        println!("Wrote all values in pattern to be matched with the scrutinee expression");
    } else {
        // do not execute this block
        println!("Value unmatched");


  Wrote all values in pattern to be matched with the scrutinee expression

If the first value or second value matches, it can guess the third value.

fn main() {
    // define a scrutinee expression    
    let course = ("Rustlab", "beginner","course");
    // pattern matches with the scrutinee expression
    if let ("Rustlab", "beginner", c) = course {
        println!("Wrote first two values in pattern to be matched with the scrutinee expression : {}", c);
    else {
        // do not execute this block
        println!("Value unmatched");

output :

  Wrote first two values in pattern to be matched with the scrutinee expression : course

If the first value matches, it can guess the other two values.

  fn main() {
   // define a scrutinee expression     
   let course = ("Rustlabs", "beginner","course");
   // pattern matches with the scrutinee expression
   if let ("Rustlabs", c, d) = course {
       println!("Wrote one value in pattern to be matched with the scrutinee expression.Guessed values: {}, {}",c,d);
   } else {
       // do not execute this block
       println!("Value unmatched");


  Wrote one value in pattern to be matched with the scrutinee expression.Guessed values: beginner, course

Case 2: When the Pattern is Not Matched

In the example below, the defined pattern does not match with the scrutinee expression so the statement in the else block gets executed.

  fn main() {
    // define a scrutinee expression     
    let course = ("Rust", "beginner");
    // pattern does not match with the scrutinee expression
    if let ("Java", c) = course {
        println!("Course is {}", c);
    } else {
        // execute this block
        println!("Value unmatched");


  Value unmatched

Case 3: When the Pattern is Replaced With _

In the example below, the pattern is not defined. Rather it is replaced with an _. In this case, the statement within the if let block executes.

Note: A warning, ⚠️, is generated by the compiler because the Rust compiler complains that it doesn’t make sense to use if let with an irrefutable pattern.

fn main() {
    // no pattern is define
    if let _ = 10 {
        println!("irrefutable if-let pattern is always executed");


  irrefutable if-let pattern is always executed
  warning: irrefutable if-let pattern
 --> main.rs:3:5
3 | /     if let _ = 10 {
4 | |         println!("irrefutable if-let pattern is always executed");
5 | |     }
  | |_____^
  = note: `#[warn(irrefutable_let_patterns)]` on by default


--- primaryColor: steelblue secondaryColor: '#e8e8e8' textColor: black shuffleQuestions: false shuffleAnswers: true locale: en --- # What is the output of the following code? ``` fn main() { let course = ("Rust", "beginner","course"); if let ("Rust", "beginer","course") = course { println!("Wrote all values in pattern to be matched with the scrutinee expression"); } else { println!("Value unmatched"); } } ``` - [ ] Wrote all values in pattern to be matched with the scrutinee expression
- [ ] Value unmatched
# What is the output of the following code? ``` fn main() { // no pattern is defined if let _ = 10 { println!("irrefutable if-let pattern"); } } ``` - [ ] Gives a warning with output irrefutable if-let pattern
- [ ] No warning with output irrefutable if-let pattern

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history