Introduction to Modules

  • What Are Modules?
    • Modules are a collection of items that can contain structs, functions, enums, vectors, arrays, etc.

💡Why make a module?

  • As a result of making modules,
    • the program code becomes organized.
    • you can use the same name for things like a struct. For example, you can use the name Configuration in different modules and code it differently. Otherwise, you would have different clumsy names for the struct like EngineConfiguration, ConsoleConfiguration etc.

Declare a Module

To declare a module in Rust use the mod keyword followed by the name of the module and the body of the module within curly braces { }.

  • Naming Convention
    • Name of the module should be written in snake_case.

Invoking a Module

The module can be invoked from anywhere within the program code.

Keywords for Modules

  • The following keywords are used for declaring modules:
    • mod - declares a new module
    • pub - makes a public module
    • use - imports the module in the local scope

Note: Modules are declared by the mod keyword and are private by default.


The following example makes use of the mod keyword to declare a module named r, and defines a function print_statement within the module:

  // declare a module

mod r {

  fn print_statement(){

    println!("Hi, this a function of module r");



// main function

fn main() {

  // invoke a module 'r'



The above code generates an error, ❌, because the function print_statement is private

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history