Logical Operators

What Are Logical Operators?

Logical operators operate on true / false values


The following table summarizes the types and functions of the logical operators:

operand1 && operand2ANDEvaluates to true if operand 1 and Operand 2 both evaluates to be true
operand1 || operand2OREvaluates to true if operand 1 or Operand 2 true evaluates to be true
! operand1NOTnegates the value of single operand

The logical AND and OR are known as Lazy Boolean expressions because the left-hand side operand of the operator is first evaluated. If it is false, there is no need to evaluate the right-hand side operand in case of AND. If it is true, there is no need to evaluate the right-hand side operand in case of OR.

The following example shows the use of logical operators in a program:

  fn main() {
  let a = true;
  let b = false;
  println!("Operand 1:{}, Operand 2:{}", a , b);
  println!("AND:{}", a && b);
  println!("OR:{}", a || b);
  println!("NOT:{}", ! a);


  Operand 1:true, Operand 2:false


Test your understanding of logical operators in Rust!

--- primaryColor: steelblue secondaryColor: '#e8e8e8' textColor: black shuffleQuestions: false shuffleAnswers: true locale: en --- ## What is the output of the following code? ``` fn main() { let mut a = false; let mut b = true; a = a && b || ( ! a); b = !b; println!("a:{}", a); println!("b:{}", b); } ``` - [ ] ``` a:false b:true ``` - [ ] ``` a:true b:false ``` - [ ] ``` a:true b:true ``` - [ ] ``` a:false b:false ```

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history