Methods of Enums

  • What Are Methods? Just like structs, methods are functions specific to enums.

  • Syntax

To define methods of enum write the functions within the impl followed by the enum name and then the functions within the impl block.

  • Move enum related logic in the impl construct

  • Example The example below declares an enum, named TrafficSignal and defines an enum method is_stop within the impl construct:

// declare an enum
enum TrafficSignal{
  Red, Green, Yellow
//implement a Traffic Signal methods
impl TrafficSignal{
  // if the signal is red then return
   fn is_stop(&self)->bool{
     match self{
       TrafficSignal::Red=>return true,
       _=>return false
fn main(){
  // define an enum instance
  let action = TrafficSignal::Red;
  //print the value of action
  println!("What is the signal value? - {:?}", action);
  //invoke the enum method 'is_stop' and print the value
  println!("Do we have to stop at signal? - {}", action.is_stop());


  What is the signal value? - Red
Do we have to stop at signal? - true


Test your understanding of methods of enum in Rust.

--- primaryColor: steelblue secondaryColor: '#e8e8e8' textColor: black shuffleQuestions: false shuffleAnswers: true locale: en --- # What is the output of the following code? ``` #![allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug)] enum TrafficSignal { Red, Green, Yellow } impl TrafficSignal{ fn is_stop(&self)->bool{ match self{ &TrafficSignal::Red=>return true, _=>return false } } } fn main(){ let action = TrafficSignal::Yellow; println!("What is the signal value? - {:?}", action); println!("Do we have to stop at signal? - {}", action.is_stop()); } ``` - [ ] What is the signal value? - Yellow Do we have to stop at signal? - false - [ ] What is the signal value? - Red Do we have to stop at signal? - true

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history