Function With Multiple Return Values

  • Returning Multiple Values In system programming languages like C++ and C, it is only possible to return a single value or a pointer to an array from a function. However, Rust allows you to return multiple values using a tuple.

  • Syntax The function definition for returning multiple values:

The way to return tuple from a function is to just write the tuple:

Defining a function with returning a tuple


The following example makes a function calculate_area_perimeter() that takes a x and y( length and width of a rectangle) as a parameter to the function and returns a tuple (area, perimeter).

  // driver function
fn main() {
    let length = 4;
    let width = 3;
    println!("Rectangle lenth:{}", length);
    println!("Rectangle width:{}", width);
    let (area, perimeter) = calculate_area_perimeter(length, width);
    println!("Area: {}, Perimeter: {}", area, perimeter);
// calculate area and perimeter
fn calculate_area_perimeter(x: i32, y: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
    // calculate the area and perimeter of rectangle
    let area = x * y;
    let perimeter = 2 * (x + y);
    // return the area and perimeter of rectangle
    (area, perimeter)


  Rectangle lenth:4
Rectangle width:3
Area: 12, Perimeter: 14


The above program comprises two functions, the user defined function calculate_area_perimeter() and the driver function main() where the function is being called.

  • User defined function The function calculate_area_perimeter() is defined from line 11 to line 17.

    • On line 13, the area of the rectangle is calculated by multiplying parameters x and y and the result is saved in area.
    • On line 14, the perimeter of the rectangle is calculated by adding parameters x andyand then multiplying the result with 2 and then, the final result is saved in perimeter.
    • On line 16, a tuple (area, perimeter) is returned.
  • Driver function The driver function main() is defined from line 2 to line 9

    • On line 3, a variable length is initialized with the value 4.
    • On line 4, a variable width is initialized with the value 3.
    • On line 5 and 6, the value of length and width is displayed respectively.
    • On line 7, the function calculate_area_perimeter() is invoked which takes length and width as an argument to the function and return value of the function is saved in a tuple.

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history