
Variables of Integer data type hold whole number values. There are two subtypes of integer data type in Rust, based on the number of bits occupied by a variable in memory.

Fixed Size Types

The fixed integer types have a specific number of bits in their notation. This notation is a combination of a letter and a number. The former denotes the category of the integer, whether it is, unsigned or signed, and the latter denotes the size of an integer, i.e., 8, 16, 32, 64.

  • Below is the list of fixed length integer types:

    • i8: The 8-bit signed integer type.

    • i16: The 16-bit signed integer type.

    • i32: The 32-bit signed integer type.

    • i64: The 64-bit signed integer type.

    • u8: The 8-bit unsigned integer type.

    • u16: The 16-bit unsigned integer type.

    • u32: The 32-bit unsigned integer type.

    • u64: The 64-bit unsigned integer type.

Variable Size Types

The integer type in which the particular size depends on the underlying machine architecture.

💡 Why are there so many types of integers and how do you pick a data type? The choice depends on what values a variable is expected to hold. So, a programmer should pick a data type that is not so small that the data is lost. Nor should they pick a data type that is so big that it wastes memory.

isize: The pointer-sized signed integer type. usize: The pointer-sized unsigned integer type


The code below defines an integer type both explicitly and implicitly:

  • Explicit Definition

The following code explicitly defines the integer variables using the integer type fixed or variable):

  fn main() {
    //explicitly define an integer
    let a:i32 = 24;
    let b:u64 = 23;
    let c:usize = 26;
    let d:isize = 29;
    //print the values
    println!("a: {}", a);
    println!("b: {}", b);
    println!("c: {}", c);
    println!("d: {}", d);


  a: 24
b: 23
c: 26
d: 29

Implicit Definition

The following code implicitly defines the integer type of the variable by assigning an integer value to the variable.

  fn main() {
    //explicitly define an integer
    let a = 21; 
    let b = 1;
    let c = 54;
    let d = 343434;
    //print the variable
    println!("a: {}", a);
    println!("b: {}", b);
    println!("c: {}", c);
    println!("d: {}", d);


  a: 21
b: 1
c: 54
d: 343434

Floating Point

Floating-point numbers refer to numbers with a fractional part.

The representation of floating-point numbers in a computer’s memory is such that the precision with which a number is stored in memory depends on the number of bits used for storing the variable.

In this respect, there are two subtypes: single-precision f32 and double-precision f64 floating-point, with the latter having more bits to store the number.

  • f32: The 32-bit floating point type.
  • f64: The 64-bit floating point type.


The code below defines a floating-point number both explicitly and implicitly:

  • Explicit Definition

The following code explicitly defines the float variable using the float type (f32 or f64)

  fn main() {
    //explicitly define a float type
    let f1:f32 = 32.9;
    let f2:f64 = 6789.89;
    println!("f1: {}", f1);
    println!("f2: {}", f2);


  f1: 32.9
f2: 6789.89

Implicit Definition

The following code implicitly defines the float type of the variable by assigning a floating-point value to the variable:

  fn main() {
    //implicitly define a float type
    let pi = 3.14;
    let e = 2.17828;
    println!("pi: {}", pi);
    println!("e: {}", e);


  pi: 3.14
e: 2.17828


Test your understanding of Numeric Types in Rust!

--- primaryColor: steelblue secondaryColor: '#e8e8e8' textColor: black shuffleQuestions: false shuffleAnswers: true locale: en --- # What is the data type of the variable below?
```rust let a = 123; ``` - [ ] Integer - [ ] Float # Which of the following is an incorrect notation to declare a float type variable?
- [ ] f32 - [ ] f64 - [ ] f128

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history