Returning a Value From a Function

  • Returning Functions

The functions can return a value using the return keyword inside the function definition. After the return statement is executed, the control gets back to the caller. A function invocation is replaced with the value that the call returns. Thus, that value can be saved in a variable.

  • Syntax The function definition for returning a value from a function:

Defining a function with explicitly defining the return value

There are two ways to actually return the value.

The general syntax for returning a value from a function using the return keyword:

The following syntax can be used to return a value from a function without using the return keyword:

Just write the return value, the compiler will interpret it because of the -> sign in the function definition.

Example 1

The following example makes a function square() that takes a number n as a parameter to the function and stores the square of n in the local variable m and returns the variable m.

  fn square(n:i32)->i32{
  println!("The value of n inside function : {}", n);
  let m = n * n;
  m // return the square of the number n
fn main() {
  let  n = 4;
  println!("The value of n before function call : {}", n);
  println!("Invoke Function");
  println!("\nOutput : {}",square(n));


  The value of n before function call : 4
Invoke Function
The value of n inside function : 4

Output : 16

Example 2

The following example makes a function square() that takes a number n as a parameter to the function and returns the square of the number n by using the return keyword.

  fn square(n:i32)->i32{
  println!("The value of n inside function : {}", n);
  return n * n;
fn main() {
  let  n = 4;
  println!("The value of n before function call : {}", n);
  println!("Invoke Function");
  println!("\nOutput : {}", square(n));


  The value of n before function call : 4
Invoke Function
The value of n inside function : 4

Output : 16


The above program is of two parts, the user defined function square() and the driver function main() where the function is being called.

  • User defined function

The function square() is defined from line 1 to line 4.

  • On line 3 n is multiplied with itself and the value is saved in n and value of type i32 is returned using the return keyword.

  • Driver function

The driver function main() is defined from line 5 to line 10.

  • On line 6, a variable n is defined.
  • On line 9, the function square() is invoked which takes n as an argument to the function and the value of the square is printed using the println!() macro.


Test your understanding of returning a value from a function in Rust.

--- primaryColor: steelblue secondaryColor: '#e8e8e8' textColor: black shuffleQuestions: false shuffleAnswers: true locale: en --- # What is the output of the following code? ``` fn main(){ println!("Area of rectangle is {}", get_area(2, 2)); } fn get_area(x:i32, y:i32) -> i32 { x * y } ``` - [ ] 4. - [ ] 4.0

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history