Slicing a String

What Is Slicing?

  • Slicing is used to get a portion of a string value.

  • Syntax The general syntax is:

  let slice = &string[start_index..end_index]


  • start_index and end_index are the positions of starting and ending index of the original array respectively.

    • Note: The start_index is inclusive and end index is exclusive
  • & indicates that the variable slice borrows the string.

    • Note: The minimum value of start_index is 0 and the maximum value is the size of the string
     fn main() {
   let string = "Rust Programming".to_string();
   let slice = &string[5..12]; 
   // get characters at 5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 indexes
   println!("Slice : {}", slice);


  Slice : Program


Test your knowledge of slicing a string in Rust.

--- primaryColor: steelblue secondaryColor: '#e8e8e8' textColor: black shuffleQuestions: false shuffleAnswers: true locale: en --- # What is the output of the following code? ``` fn main() { let string = "Rust Programming".to_string(); let slice = &string[0..3]; println!("{}", slice); } ``` - [ ] Rust - [ ] Rus

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history