
When there are multiple different types behind a single interface, the interface can tell which concrete type to access. This is where the traits come in handy.

  • What Are Traits?

Traits are used to define a standard set of behavior for multiple structs.

They are like interfaces in Java.

Suppose you want to calculate area for different shapes. We know that the area is calculated differently for every shape. The best solution is to make a trait and define an abstract method in it and implement that method within every struct impl construct.

Types of Methods in Traits

There can be two types of methods in traits

  • Concrete Method
    • The method that has a body meaning that implementation of the method is done within the method.
  • Abstract Method
    • The method that does not have a body meaning that implementation of the method is done by each struct in its own impl construct.

Declare a Trait

Traits are written with a trait keyword.

  • Naming Convention Name of the trait is written in CamelCase

Implement a trait

Traits can be implemented for any structure.


The following example explains the concept of trait:

  fn main(){

   //create an instance of the structure

   let c = Circle  {

      radius : 2.0,


   let r = Rectangle  {

      width : 2.0,

      height : 2.0,


   println!("Area of Circle: {}", c.shape_area());

   println!("Area of Rectangle:{}", r.shape_area());


//declare a structure

struct Circle {

   radius : f32,


struct Rectangle{

    width : f32,

    height : f32,


//declare a trait

trait Area {

   fn shape_area(&self)->f32;


//implement the trait

impl Area for Circle {

   fn shape_area(&self)->f32{

      3.13* self.radius *self.radius



impl Area for Rectangle {

   fn shape_area(&self)->f32{

      self.width * self.height




  Area of Circle: 12.52
Area of Rectangle:4


--- primaryColor: steelblue secondaryColor: '#e8e8e8' textColor: black shuffleQuestions: false shuffleAnswers: true locale: en --- Test your understanding of traits in Rust. # Which of the following trait method allows you to write body of the method?
- [ ] abstract - [ ] concrete # Traits are like interfaces in other object oriented languages.
- [ ] True - [ ] False

Last updated 25 Jan 2024, 05:11 +0530 . history